Mode Digital Media is dedicated to offering diverse digital media services to businesses of all sizes. Leveraging my entrepreneurial experiences, I prioritize the significance of building strong online identities through effective website and social media strategies. Whether you're a small enterprise starting out or an established company seeking rejuvenation, I provide comprehensive support tailored to your branding, website development, and social media needs.

Let's Go Portraits
I offer photography services for senior photos, corporate headshots, engagements, commercial, and product photography. Please note that I do not provide wedding or event photography coverage.
MMP Studios
MMP Studios marked my introduction into photography, primarily focusing on creative shoots involving models and aspiring talents. While I still engage in this type of work, it's not as frequent as before.

This site bears my name because it's a blend of all my social media, YouTube content, and blog, conveniently consolidated in one location!
Houston Food Fanatics
This is a recent project I initiated with my brother Marcos Maya. Together, we explore restaurants and eateries, documenting our adventures along the way through filming.

If you have an interest in Paranormal Investigations, Ghost Texas is a must-see. Spearheaded by Patrick Theriot and me, we explore potentially haunted sites and share our discoveries on our YouTube channel, social media platforms, and website!
During the COVID period, I stumbled into this hobby but have tapered off recently. It involves creating videos where I assemble puzzles and provide reviews of different puzzle brands.

I Support PD
I've always backed law enforcement and similar causes, and to demonstrate my support, my brother and I launched I Support PD. It's a merchandise line featuring a range of wearables designed to express solidarity with law enforcement.
Coffee X Media
If you're keen on sponsorship opportunities or you represent an affiliate company seeking collaboration on a campaign, all such endeavors are managed through Coffee X Media. I'm receptive to fresh opportunities that resonate with my content and personal interests.